There are two ways of assigning the leave policy to an employee.

  1. From Leave Policy
  2. From Employee profile

To assign from the leave policy popup modal, follow the steps given below:

Administration> Company settings> Leave Policies & Holidays

  • Click on the leave policy name to which you want to assign the employees
  • On clicking it, Popup modal will be displayed in 2 tabs. Click continue at the bottom to go 2nd step
  • Click Assign Employees and select employees from the drop-down and click assign

To assign from View employee, follow the steps given below:

Employees> View Employees

  • Select and open employee profile 
  • Behind employee name click on the burger menu, employee details popup will be displayed on the screen
  • Scroll down and select the leave policy from the leave policy drop-down
  • After selecting the leave policy from the drop-down, click save